What Is Fashion Revolution Week? - Clothes Doctor

What Is Fashion Revolution Week?

You've seen it everywhere online - it is Fashion Revolution Week. No idea what it is about or where it came from?

Let's break it down - it is a week of campaigns and action to demand greater transparency in the fashion supply chain.

It takes place during the week of 24 April, the date of the Rana Plaza building collapse, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Rana Plaza housed a number of garment factories, and when the building collapsed on 24 April 2013, 1,138 people were killed and many more were injured. The tragedy highlighted the dreadful conditions that many people in the garment industry were working in.

The campaigning organisation Fashion Revolution is working to end exploitation in the fashion industry. During Fashion Revolution Week it encourages people around the globe to ask fashion and clothing brands ‘Who made my clothes?’, using the hashtag #whomademyclothes. For more information visit http://fashionrevolution.org/education.


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