How To Wash A Ski Jacket - Clothes Doctor

How To Wash A Ski Jacket

Whether you're a skiing novice or an absolute pro, if you're setting off for a ski holiday this season and you notice your suit has got a little... funk, you'll be wanting to know how best to wash and care for your ski gear. At Clothes Doctor, we know that it's important to take proper care of technical clothing so that they last well for years to come, and sometimes this requires a little specialist knowledge. Show your ski jacket a little care and attention and be rewarded with many more happy memories in your favourite garments - here's how to wash a ski jacket.
 How To Wash A Ski Jacket
Skiing isn't a particularly muddy or dirty winter sport, however, knowing the tips and tricks of how to wash a ski jacket is essential for preserving its functionality and extending its lifespan. As always, make sure to check the care label inside to see what your ski gear is made from, and to check for any specialist care instructions. However, this quick guide should work for most ski-wear. 
For a quick refresh between wearing, use our Natural Bristle Clothes Brush to get rid of any surface dirt like food or mud, or use a sponge with cold water to spot clean. 
  • Before you wash a ski jacket, empty the jacket pockets and ensure all zips and Velcro fastenings are closed. This is because such fastenings could catch and damage the other fabric while washing. 
  • We also recommend turning the jacket inside out before washing to help protect it as well. 
  • Make sure to use a liquid detergent, as a powder detergent risks not being properly washed out of the synthetic fabric. And don't even touch the fabric softener when it comes to sportswear - this can create a kind of 'film' over synthetic fabrics that means they can't be washed effectively.

  • To machine wash a ski jacket, add 2-3 capfuls of our Eco Wash for Sportswear and Synthetics to your machine for a powerful cleaning experience that's delicate on your performance fabrics, with an invigorating hit of lime and eucalyptus fragrance.  


  • Wash on a low temperature synthetic cycle on your machine. High temperature washing can, over time, weaken the synthetic fibres of your ski gear and potentially damage their de-wicking properties, so stick to 30-40 degrees. Better for your energy bill too!
  • Top tip: If your ski jacket is made of down or synthetic down, add a couple of tennis balls to your machine to prevent clumping. 
  •  Drying your jacket - Your jacket will likely still be quite wet when it comes out of the washer; we've found the best way to dry your ski jacket so it's just as fluffy as before is to start off drying the jacket by laying it flat on a drying rack for a couple of hours - put a towel underneath to catch drips! Once the worst of the moisture is gone, we recommend putting the jacket on a gentle tumble drier cycle (a synthetic cycle if possible). Again, add a tennis ball to keep the down from clumping. If your jacket is not tumble drier safe you can dry it on a radiator - just go and shake it up every few hours to avoid clumping. 

With all our tips on how to wash a ski jacket, you're ready to hit the slopes this ski season, and for many years to come - and whatever your skill level, you'll look good doing it! 

Now your ski gear is sorted, check our the rest of the Clothes Doctor range to boss the rest of your laundry routine. Needy knitwear? Lacklustre leather? We've got you covered.


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