8 Apps To Help Your Clothes Live Longer - Clothes Doctor

8 Apps To Help Your Clothes Live Longer

We just loved the The Independent’s article: ‘How To Help Your Clothes Live Longer Using These Eight Apps’, tackling the biggest challenges when it comes to caring for your clothes and ultimately preventing them from ending up in landfill.

Something as small as a missing button or broken zip can all too often result in a whole garment going in the bin: shopping for replacement buttons is almost unheard of, for a start, and visiting a tailor is time-consuming…enter Clothes Doctor!

Aside from the lovely write-up about us, we were delighted to be featured alongside our friends at Zipjet, and to learn more about other great startups like Love Space and Smart Closet.

Read the full article here.

If you have an item of clothing you think needs reviving - have a browse through our alterations page.

Signature Eco Wash Detergent
Clothes Doctor
Basil & Mandarin Leaf Ultimate Duo Box
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